jQuery Mobile

6 Projects

tripchi - Native Mobile App

Native Android Mobile Application
A content manager and mobile app to guide users through airports and find flight, safety, and consumer information; as well as share rides to common destinations to and from the airport
  • Built a fluid interface, fully responsive from 320 to 1024+ pixels wide, without a page refresh, with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Scripted all API integrations with JavaScript / jQuery, parsing HTML and JSON from the Drupal server and across domains and third-party web services.
  • Deployed the mobile application through Cordova and Node.js plugins to quickly configure, compress, and compile the Android APK.

Started: 2014-03-01

Launched/Lasted: 2015-10-01

Industries: Travel

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Roberto Galan: Design. Chandra Jacobs: Project Management & Business Development

Companies/Brands: tripchi

tripchi - CMS & API

Content Management System and API
Your passport to explore the airport. Discover restaurants, shopping, deals, unlock airport secrets & more.​
  • Built OAuth2, token secured CMS & API with Drupal 7
  • Hooked Drupal Views to set default filters based users' profiles, location, next flight information.
  • Integrated FlightStats API at runtime while adding or editing flight information.
  • Optimized site and API with CRON jobs to update flight status and real time airport details from FlightStats API

Started: 2014-03-01

Launched/Lasted: 2014-10-01

Industries: Travel

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Roberto Galan: Design. Chandra Jacobs: Project Management & Business Development

Companies/Brands: tripchi

Cultur is your Ultimate Event Resource, to get what you need when you want it. Find any activity/event going on around you at any time and any place. See if your friends or people with like interests will be there.
Cultur has a simple jquery mobile interface for navigating events crawled by a Ruby on Rails crawler

Started: 2014-09-01

Launched/Lasted: 2015-02-01

Industries: Music, Events

Team: Kaili Miyamoto: Design. E.A.Taylor: Front-End. Rama Mcintosh: Back-End. Caleb Haye: Back-End. Jan Uetz Ayacaba Ondo: Business Development. Jonny Mack: Business Development. Mike Hegazy: Business Development

Companies/Brands: Cultur LLC

An online and mobile game that rewards high-rated users with free music, gift certificates, concert tickets and cash
  • Engineered MVC architecture for dual website / API using CodeIgnitor and HMVC Modular Extensions, to allow complex types of permission combinations across user types, and make all components completely portable across applications, serving either HTML or JSON.
  • Optimized memory usage with several Bash scripts and CRON jobs to crop / resize images, handle email queues, and generate static HTML pages for common anonymous requests.
  • Built CMS for managing user-generated and editorial content, review internal traffic logs, logins, and all emails.
  • Built asynchronous email service to seamlessly convert website templates to tablular HTML documents with inline CSS, and manage queue of emails prepared, sent, failed, and clicked.
  • Built Node.js server to authenticate requests to static mp3 files before streaming via ffluent-ffmpeg
  • Automated performance testing with XHProf and data integrity tests with built in logging tools

Started: 2012-11-01

Launched/Lasted: 2013-01-01

Industries: Music, Events, Gaming

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End, Business Development. Drew Williams: Business Development

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic, Track Authority Music

Dashboard is an all-in-one Content-Management-System, Reporting, and Ad Configuration tool. It controls where, when, and why to inject ads or content in webpages. It also allows reviewing Navigator, healthSTAT, and the internal crawler's performance across various installations.
  • Built this Dashboard to provide the crawler additional controls for prioritizing areas of the page to parse, skip, and flag for injection or inter-linking; with Java / Spring and Oracle/SQL.
  • Built tool to rebuild any webpage within a proxy environment on Healthline servers in order to install, test, and demonstrate Navigation functionality on any URL.
  • Optimized crawler’s queue to more efficiently check for content changes, ignoring irrelevant differences in the DOM source.
  • Improved backend healthSTAT crawler’s keyword selections with configurations per domain to prioritize URL segments vs. DOM Body vs. DOM meta data, based on target site’s semantic standards.

Started: 2009-05-01

Launched/Lasted: 2012-07-01

Industries: Health, Analytics, Marketing

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End

Companies/Brands: Healthline Networks

Automated Quality Assurance & Monitoring Through Interactive, Intelligent Browser-Based Crawling.
  • Built this Google Chrome Extension and browser-based Crawler to automate QA of web pages after all ads and third party javascripts have completely loaded, with pure JavaScript and SQLite.
  • Mapped entire websites while comparing keywords / categorization choices by each different Healthline API, as well as competing ad tags.
  • Automated .jpg screen captures of every page crawled, with options to first render watermarks and set colored borders around each area of that page where Navigator might inject ads, content, or hyper-links.

    Started: 2009-05-01

    Launched/Lasted: 2012-07-01

    Industries: Analytics

    Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End

    Companies/Brands: Healthline Networks